Working as a Principal of the school I found it that strength of believes and existence is created by the enlightened knowledge. The word knowledge is infinite and it is impossible to achieve in one generation. The essence of education is the delivery of such knowledge from old generation to young generation. What children know today was not a cup of tea for our generation. We have acquired the knowledge from our forefathers and blended it with the new discoveries and inventions of our time, and gave the new generation a completely new knowledge which has the essence of primitive knowledge. So, the point is, our responsibility to impart education not only lies on our shoulder but it has to be transferred in such a manner that the young upcoming generation should be able to apply it and also should give the next generation a blended knowledge.
In J. A. International School I and my team constantly thrive to keep the pace with the changing environment of education. We are trying our level best to nurture the scholars in such direction that the above mentioned goal can be achieved. The school emphasizes on the aspect of respect towards elders, nature, and country. They are the true teachers of the scholars. One can acquire a lot of knowledge from them. We try to figure them out that what to do with the acquired knowledge and how to apply the knowledge for the future existence.
In this modern era of technologies, a scholar acquires knowledge from every direction weather it is helpful for them or not, but we try to filter those knowledge which they gain and make the scholar understand the need of the particular knowledge. They are also made to believe on themselves by, our action as a faculty and not a teacher.
So, you see you will remain in fear of dark until you achieve the knowledge of the dark, and as you learn the reason of being dark, you will be enlightened with believes and existence. You will have self-confidence and encouragement for achieving your dream. And as famous ALBERT EINSTIEN said “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”.