Books play a vital role in our life. They are the quietest friend and wisest teacher. It is the most adaptable invention for conveying knowledge and information from the older generation to the younger one. As a member of the modern society we all are aware of its varied needs. To bring children and books together, children have to experience the pleasure of reading and there is a need for promoting reading habit as a skill among them. Once they are hooked to books, they will never in their life feel lonely, because they will always have the great mind and heart of authors, biographers, novelists, dramatist and poets as their companions.
Library of a school is considered as a part and parcel of academic set up. Our school library is like the nerve center of the school. It is rich in collection, good in environment, and excellent in services, we provide to the users.
Every year we organize a library week in school premises to inculcate good reading habits among the students. Various competitions like book cover designing, bookmark making, quizzes, English elocution, scavenger hunt and debate are organized during the library week. The library staff organizes a unique exhibition of library books to showcase the extraordinary, exciting and multidimensional strength of the library. A book fair is also organized during library week every year.
All these activities encourage good reading habits and provide information, inculcate ideas and develop knowledge. This is all done to enthuse the young minds of pupils to unfold their self and discover their potential. All these functions of the library make them more books friendly and skillful, because the word library is rich in tradition, meaning and usage. We should whole heartedly encourage reading habit, so that the students can really and truly be introduced into the enchanting world of books, information and knowledge. Library of a school is the ideal place from which such an exciting journey can begin.